
This isn’t Skate 4 (Crayola Scoot)

Game: Crayola Scoot Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows Played On: Xbox One Price: £24.99 Available on Xbox Game Pass: No I decided to spend lockdown playing quite a few video games as you’d imagine, hopefully by the time you’re reading this the lockdown is very much a memory but if not, join me in finding out if this video game made by a crayon company is any good?? I played Crayola Scoot, a 2018 release developed by Climax Studios and published by Outright Games LTD. I will admit I got this game on sale at a pretty reasonable £5 but I will be scratching that from my mind as always and review the game as if it was full price. I load up the game and a little to my surprise it looks pretty good. You can customise your character (granted there aren’t a million customisation options) but still there’s enough choice there. And again this game doesn’t look bad at all, graphically this game is smashing any expectation I had which is a nice surprise with ga...

I Become a Racing Driver (F1 2020)

Game: F1 2020 Available On: Xbox One, PS4, Windows, Google Stadia Played On: Xbox One Price: £44.99 Available on Xbox Game Pass or PS Now: No Sim Racing. Maybe this wasn’t even something you knew existed before lockdown, but if you enjoy formula one even as the most casual fan, you’ll be well aware of the phenomena it became. With the real drivers unable to race, a virtual series involving them became one of the big hits of no sport period of us all being stuck indoors. This led to the timely release in July of F1 2020, developed and developed by Codemasters. Much like FIFA, Madden or a 2k game, F1 is normally a yearly release and coming to the end of last decade, these games were going from strength to strength and improving quite rapidly year on year, and after last years massive reworking on the AI, this year saw the ambitious addition of a my team, where you become a teams owner/driver and build your own formula one team from the ground up as well as having all the other...

D.I.Y SOS (House Flipper)

Game: House Flipper Available On: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows, Mac Played On: Xbox One Price: £24.99 (Xbox) £19.99 (PS4) Available on Xbox Game Pass or PSnow?: No Have you ever watched those shows on reality tv channels that come in around mid day? You know the ones, someone finds an old dilapidated, run down house and magically decide to turn it into something amazing on a shoestring budget, all in the space of a week and sell it for massive profit. The ones that are clearly scripted and the people in the shows have clearly done no work at all, you know the ones. Well how about a game that’s basically that?? This is house flipper, a 2018 release developed by Empyrean and published by Frozen District, PlayWay and Merge Games. Quick one, I have played this game briefly on pc but today I’ll be reviewing the console version. The objectives of the game are simple, it’s in the title, but houses, do them up and sell them for profit, what could be easier? Ag...

Tiny Cars!!! (Toybox Turbos)

Game: Toybox Turbos Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Windows Played On: Xbox 360 Price: £7.99 Available on Xbox Game Pass: No Today I played the free offering from the Xbox Games with Gold scheme for April and downloaded Toybox Turbos, a 2014 real was developed and published by Codemasters. To be honest I wasn’t expecting anything truly exceptional but it was free and I’m in lockdown so I thought why not?? I might as well play it then I can at least bring a small amount of content to you! I know, you’re all incredibly lucky. The game we have here is a call back to the old Micro Machines game on PS1 and Nintendo 64, curiously they were also developed by Codemasters and it was a game I used to own and have played and I have to say I thought it was amazing. So really this leads me to a question, why have they made a game, almost identical to a previous title they own but not made a remake?? The game was good enough. As much as I love remakes and think there’s plenty of gam...

Captain Planet (Island Saver)

Game: Island Saver Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows Played On: Xbox One Price: Free!! (There is an extra level available for £3.99 if you want it) Available on Xbox Game Pass or PS now: No Have you ever wondered what would happen if a British bank wanted to make a kids game about recycling and the environment all while teaching the importance of saving money and the risk of loans?? You did?? Well then I have a treat for you, this is Island Saver, a 2020 release developed by Stormcloud Games and published by NatWest, yes that NatWest. I came across this game thanks to watching a twitch streamer (Brownman) playing it and it peaked my curiosity, and as it cost me nothing I thought why not, it’s something free in these harder times. Plus it gives me something to write about. Some of you may be aware of a little game called Slime Rancher, and if not, this game has a very similar mechanics in that you have a sucker/blower gun and you suck up rubbish lik...

Baby’s First Diablo (Minecraft Dungeons)

Game: Minecraft Dungeons Available On: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows Played On: Xbox One Price: £16.74 Available on Xbox Game Pass or PSnow: It’s on Game Pass Look at me being all current and trendy for a change, bit of a difference from last time when I reviewed a game made in late noughties, oh no, I’m coming right up to date and playing new a game that came out a mere few days ago. Yes it’s Minecraft Dungeons, the 2020 release developed by Majong Studios and Double Eleven and published by Xbox Game Studios. The fact that this is made by Microsoft and on so many platforms hopefully shows a bit of progress in the stupid and tiring console war, just play on whatever platform you like, it’s all good. I never really thought I’d need a Diablo esque style game set in the universe of Minecraft but here we are and I’m playing it. I remember seeing it’s reveal at E3 and sort of taking note as that being something to look out for but not much else. A cynical part...

It’s a Trap (Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy)

Game: Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Xbox, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gameboy Advance Player On: Xbox 360 Backwards Compatible: Yes Price: £11.99 Available on Xbox Game Pass: No Another little gift from Microsoft, this game cost me nothing with the Games with Gold scheme so I thought why not? We have Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy, the 2006 release developed by Traveller’s Tales and published by LucasArts and TT Games Publishing. This was only the second themed Lego game made (after Lego Star Wars: The Video Game) and rather unsurprisingly follows the antics from episodes iv, v and vi. I have sort of been wanting to get this game anyway as I have set a personal goal of perfecting all the licensed Lego games, sadly I can’t do the first Lego Star Wars (as it didn’t reach Xbox 360) but that still gives me 29 games to perfect. I’ve already completed 2 (The Complete Saga and Indiana Jones) so finding this one costing me n...