
Showing posts from December, 2019

Welcome... To Jurassic Park (Jurassic World Evoultion)

Game: Jurassic World Evolution Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Windows Played On: Xbox One Price: £39.99 ( But free in Games with gold till 15th jan 2020) Available on Xbox Game Pass: No Today I’m taking about the free game this month Jurassic World Evolution. Frontier developments and Universal’s 2018 offering about the aforementioned film franchise. I thought I’d throw this one out there as it’s will currently cost you nothing on Xbox One as long as you have Xbox Live Gold. So another video game based on a movie right?? As any gamer knows games based on a movie always turn out so fantastically... not. So will this one be any different?? Well here’s the thing and it’s genius, this game actually has nothing to do with the movies, I mean yes there’s dinosaurs but don’t worry, you’re not Chris Pratt running around doing things slightly related to the movie, oh no. This game is Zoo Tycoon and Theme Park World but with... well... sharper teeth. Now these games have enjoy...

Sink or Swim?? (Subnautica)

Game: Subnautica Platforms: Windows, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, macOS Played On: Xbox One Price: £23.99 Available on Xbox Game Pass: Yes Today I’m going to be writing a review on Subnautica, a 2018 release from Unknown World Entertainment. It was released on PC early in 2018 coming to consoles late in the same year. I will be reviewing the Xbox version of this game which understandably doesn’t run as smooth as it would on PC so I will be baring that in mind as I write this. So enough of the admin intro and let’s get into this one. As always, some minor spoilers ahead. I will say I am still using a base Xbox One so my loading time into the game can only be described as painful, I know I should really update my Xbox but anyone using slightly older hardware will have slow loading screens, but that is the case on a lot of games. But once into it we get the premise of the game. You are crew of the Spaceship Aurora which has crash landed on ‘planet 4546B’ (catchy name). You come too...

Making the most of Xbox Game Pass

It’s  a quick one I forgot to put into my ‘hello’ post. I need to briefly talk about Xbox Game Pass. And most importantly THIS IS NOT AN AD!! I’m just trying to give you the best deals. Right now, in my opinion, it is easily the best deal in gaming (at time of writing you can get your first 3 months for £1). There are different options but for me it’s obvious you should be going for the ultimate offer, game pass on console and PC and gold subscription. The prices vary depending on offer but it’s still an incredible deal. (There are even options that involve getting a console on this service but that’s another thing to talk about on a different day) But what is it? The best way I’d describe it is the Netflix of gaming. You have a list of games to choose from and you download them, they stay on your system till removed. There is a revolving door element to the games so be aware some games won’t be on here forever. But there’s plenty of time to play them. And there’s even a le...

Lost in Translation?? (Life is Strange - Before the Storm)

Game: Life is Strange - Before the Storm Platforms: Windows, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Linux, macOs, Android, iOS Played on: Xbox One Price: £13.99 (for all episodes) Available on Xbox Game Pass: Last time I checked yes, but was in the leaving soon section Well here it is, the first review and as promised it’s on Life is Strange - Before the Storm, Deck Nine and Square Enix 2017 episodic prequel to Life is Strange. In this game you take control of Chloe Price, the anarchistic best friend of Max Caulfield in the previous title, 2 years before the time twisting events of that game take place. But before I get too into Chloe’s adventure I have to put in a quick word on the original game. Also there may be a few minor spoilers about both games so there’s your warning. Now Life is Strange is a good game, in fact it’s an excellent game, that is if you’re a critic. All I kept hearing was how this game was better than Telltale Games, such as the incredible The Walking Dead, but I ...


Hello! So why am I here? Well easy really. I love games, any game, you out a video game in front of me and I'll be very very happy. Big triple A titles from the worlds biggest publishers or the a tiny little indie platformers from a one person team. If it exists, I'll play it. And it doesn't matter how old it is, I mean who has time to play every title on release day? Here's the thing, I still play a lot. And when I play i normally have some form of opinion of it so why don't I just write it down. you might (probably) won't agree with me but maybe if you're stuck for new game to kill time or just want to see someones opinion before you buy. I'll be here with a what I'm hoping will be a nice variation of different types of games. I mostly play on xbox but do venture out on many different platforms both old and new so expect some retro games from time to time, and there are many of the 'must plays' I'm yet to get round to, especially ...