This isn’t Skate 4 (Crayola Scoot)

Game: Crayola Scoot Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows Played On: Xbox One Price: £24.99 Available on Xbox Game Pass: No I decided to spend lockdown playing quite a few video games as you’d imagine, hopefully by the time you’re reading this the lockdown is very much a memory but if not, join me in finding out if this video game made by a crayon company is any good?? I played Crayola Scoot, a 2018 release developed by Climax Studios and published by Outright Games LTD. I will admit I got this game on sale at a pretty reasonable £5 but I will be scratching that from my mind as always and review the game as if it was full price. I load up the game and a little to my surprise it looks pretty good. You can customise your character (granted there aren’t a million customisation options) but still there’s enough choice there. And again this game doesn’t look bad at all, graphically this game is smashing any expectation I had which is a nice surprise with ga...